01926 258582

Textiles Skills Centre has linked with Epsom and St Helier hospitals charity to make calico dolls, for Children’s wards.

The Hospital Children’s Ward are looking for volunteers to help them make some Calico Dolls for children spending time in hospital.
The dolls serve as a means of expression. By drawing, decorating, and coloring the doll, the child can convey their fears or unhappiness, providing a distraction from their hospital stay.
Additionally, the child can indicate their injury or pain on the doll, facilitating more objective discussions with adults about their concerns. NHS staff also use the doll to demonstrate procedures, helping the child understand what to expect and reducing their fear and uncertainty. This often enables even very young children, as young as 2 or 3 years old, to undergo medical procedures more calmly.

This is a great project for after School Clubs, if you are running one. Each school receives a certificate. If you’d like more info and a pattern please contact nicky@textileskillscentre.com

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS and THANK YOU to BERNIE TRODDEN who is the first volunteer to make 10 dolls

Charity Thank You Letter

Hospital Charity Poster for making dolls