01926 258582


We will be adding to this Events Diary on a regular basis, so do return to this page for updates!

TEA ‘N CHAT – Online monthly networking events for Textiles Teachers

Please book your place through the Eventbrite links:

January Tuesday 18th – 20:00 – Emma Wilson Print Designer – REGISTER HERE
Presentation and talk with Emma Wilson, an industry print designer who is working with small and large brands. How she progressed into this freelance position and what inspired her.

March Tuesday 1st – 20:00 – Careers Week – REGISTER HERE
Presentation and Q&A on careers in the Fashion and Textiles industry. Lead by Nicky Simpson and Nicola Redman (Huddersfield University), this event is open to students and teachers.

March Tuesday  22nd – 20:00 – Pattern Making – REGISTER HERE
Workshop lead by Julia Burrows and Dawn Foxall, on some simple pattern adaptation ideas, that can be easily used in the classroom.