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FREE RESOURCE: Repair What You Wear + Ros Studd


FREE TEACHERS RESOURCE: Repair What You Wear + Ros Studd

Downloadable resources to support textiles, fashion and art teachers.

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FREE RESOURCE:  Repair What You Wear + Ros Studd

We are offering these resources free of charge, but if you would like to donate to our ongoing support of textiles education, we would really appreciate it. Textiles Skills Centre is managed by a small team of volunteers, who develop free resoures and support teachers through the Textiles Teachers Centre and other networking activities.
Any small donation (per teacher) would mean that we can pay for the website, Dropbox, Zoom and admin costs.

At the moment all costs are met by our team and time is given freely. Your donations, however small, will help to enhance and continue providing this support and resources.

Please click the DONATE button.

To Download the resources, please click through to Check Out and complete the purchase(FREE).


TEA ’N CHAT with Ros Studd, who talks about her work with Repair What you Wear and how sustainability is at the front of everything they do. A session talking about the effects of the fashion industry on climate change and looking at different essential mending techniques that can be taught in class.


Rosalind Studd imageRosalind Studd & Elahe Alavi started up Repair What You Wear in  response to austerity and climate change, a recognition of the need that small things will make a difference to individuals and society. Their website includes classroom activities and resources: https://repairwhatyouwear.com/education/

Clothes mending can save money and reduce landfill at a time that both are essential, but when mending skills have all but disappeared.  Set up and funded by a former retail buyer and a graphic designer, the teaching is clear and accessible, designed to empower when we can all feel helpless in the face of change.

Ros teaches fashion textiles in Scotland, starting out as a retail buyer and product developer for the big fashion names.  Textiles are her thing and she loves manufacturing, just not the current levels of pollution and waste.  The project came about when realising how much money she saved by mending her own children’s clothes, but others did not have the skills to make this choice.  The website is all about proper teaching and what the student can achieve for themselves.


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