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‘Inspiring Learning’

‘Inspiring Learning’

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‘Inspiring Learning’

June 17th 2016 at University of East London

The joint Food and Textiles event at UEL was a huge success with over 150 delegates attending to hear OFSTED, Department for Education and the exam boards talk about the latest changes to qualifications.
In 2016 new GCSE changes affect food and textiles more than any other GCSE. Most GCSEs in your school have undergone change, but these have not involved creation of a new exam (Food Preparation and Nutrition), nor a change on the way that textiles taught and assessed under a new D&T route.


Ofsted Lead for D&T Diana Choulerton

Diana Choulerton (HMI National Lead for D&T) from OFSTED presented at the event about the latest national curriculum and OFSTED requirements.

Securing great design and technology for all: A food and textiles perspective

View video of her presentation:

Jennifer Allan and Alex Smith (Department for Education) (GCSE & A Level Reform Qualifications Division) spoke about the new qualification reforms and the new Food and D&T qualifications setting out the schedule of these changes, highlighting an end to modularity – exams now linear in structure, and changing the grading system – numbered scale from 9 to 1, 9 being the highest.

Key changes to the new D&T GCSE:

  • Single ‘Design & Technology’ title
  • Greater focus on iterative design process
  • Strengthened STEM content
  • Strengthened technical knowledge

AQA and OCR presented their realisations of these changes and NCFE and Pearsons delivering information of updated current qualifications for Textiles. The new D&T specifications will start to be taught in England in September 2017 with first assessment in 2019.

Julie Boyd, Nicky Simpson and Heidi Ambrose-Brown delivered practical textiles workshops on content, with Barbara Monks,  Bren Hellier(Practical Action), Suzanne Gray and Frances Meek(British Nutrition Foundation) all delivering Food practical sessions.

A surprise visit from the effervescent gastronaut Stefan Gates entertained delegates through lunch with his gastronomic scientific delights!



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