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Tea ‘N Chat – Research Findings – Future of Textiles Education

Tea ‘N Chat – Research Findings – Future of Textiles Education

TEA ‘N CHAT –  Future of Textiles Education Research Findings
An update on the findings of research undertaken by TSC into the current situation of textiles in the curriculum and future opportunities.

12 MARCH 2024
TIME:  7-8pm 


As you may be aware and even contributed to, the research we have been undertaking to better understand the current position and teaching of textiles education now, from time-tabling to subject content, as well as what you think needs to happen to ensure its place in a future curriculum.

This session is to show the results of the research which was took place through surveys, focus groups and talking with individuals and organisations,  and give you another opportunity to contribute to the discussion.

The research was about obtaining a baseline of what is happening now, and what changes may be needed in the future. Your opinion and reflections are important to help us inform government, awarding organisations, professional associations and teacher trainers.

There are some big questions. If all young people are to get an opportunity to learn about textiles, how should schools plan and implement this? Textiles has been part of Design and Technology since the start of the National Curriculum in the 1990s; should it remain as part of this subject? Should it stand outside of D&T? Would textiles be better served if it sat with Art? 

There are strengths and weaknesses in the different positions and plans that might be adopted by schools.  But what will lead to a strong position for textiles education?

This session is to show the results of the research and give you another opportunity to contribute to the discussion.

RESEARCH LEAD:   ROY BALLAM  BA (Hons), MA, School Education Consultant

Roy Ballam works as a school education consultant, after leaving a leading charity as Managing Director and Head of Education.
He has been involved in numerous teaching and education programme, initiatives and publications, including those in the UK and internationally.
He is an experienced educational leader specialising in education management, training, resource development and research, and policy development and implementation. Throughout his career, he has used ICT to help bring subject-specific learning to life and support teachers through innovative, but pragmatic approaches. Roy originally trained as a food and textiles teacher and has been a GCSE moderator and A-level principal examiner.

The Textiles Skills Centre Associates are a team of volunteers that manage the social media platforms and website, and offer support, mentorship and advice to textile teachers and trainees. We organise free resource networking events each month (Tea ‘N Chat) and are always on hand to help and encourage when needed.
We are always looking for new Associate members, so if you would like to join this small team then do contact us at: info@textileskillscentre.com

At the moment all costs are met by our team and time is given freely. If you are able to support us with a donation, however small, this will help to enhance the work we are doing.

You can donate using the DONATION button below which will take you to the Paypal donations page, or select an amount when you book the event. All donations gratefully received.

Planning, Assessment & Progression fo D&T GCSE – LIVE ONLINE

Planning, Assessment & Progression fo D&T GCSE – LIVE ONLINE


Date:        Saturday 7th October 2023

Time:        9.00 – 14.00

FEE:    £ 175 / DAY (+ Cademy Fee)  


We have limited funded places for this course if you qualifyPlease contact dawn@textileskillscentre.com for more information.


A Motivational Online-Live Course for Teachers of GCSE D&T Textiles 

If you need support with understanding and implementing the D&T specification, then this course will give you what you need.
This is an *ONLINE LIVE COURSE* with the Textile Skills Centre Trainer RACHEL ADDY and will  cover 4 different Design & Technology textiles specifications at GCSE Level: AQA, Edexcel (Pearson), OCR & Eduqas.


Planning, Assessment & Progression fo D&T GCSE – LIVE ONLINE

Tea ‘N Chat – Dr Sarah Davis Looks at D&T Research


TUESDAY 17th OCTOBER – Time 7 – 8pm  

FREE EVENT – Join our TEA ‘N CHAT with DR SARAH DAVIES (NTU) who will show us how to access and use the Researching D&T Website to find subject-specific research to guide practice within your department/subject or school.




DR SARAH DAVIES (NTU) PHOTODr Sarah Davies teaches both MA Education and PGCE Secondary D&T courses at Nottingham Trent University (NTU). She has a long history in textiles including a knitwear design degree, time working as an Advanced Skills Textile Teacher, and her current academic role.

Since joining NTU, Sarah has completed several research and curriculum development projects. Her doctoral thesis explored the different ways teachers coped with the shift to a single GCSE from subject-specific exams, like textiles. Since completing her doctorate, Sarah and Dr Alison Hardy established Building research capacity and engagement in Design and Technology Education (BRACE) – NTU Innovative Knowledge Exchange project and website – https://www.researchingdandt.co.uk/.

She is passionate about all things D&T and believes that textiles and fashion have a key role to play in young people’s appreciation of the material work and their ability to critique, change and shape that world through design and make activity. Sarah aims to share her work and show the group how to get actively involved in research and access relevant and high-quality D&T research that they can use within their department, subject, or school.


The Textiles Skills Centre Associates are a team of volunteers that manage the social media platforms and website, and offer support, mentorship and advice to textile teachers and trainees. We organise free resource networking events each month (Tea ‘N Chat) and are always on hand to help and encourage when needed.
We are always looking for new Associate members, so if you would like to join this small team then do contact us at: info@textileskillscentre.com

At the moment all costs are met by our team and time is given freely. If you are able to support us with a donation, however small, this will help to enhance the work we are doing.

You can donate using the DONATION button below which will take you to the Paypal donations page, or select an amount when you book the event. All donations gratefully received.



2 Day Textiles Skills Workshops (Newcastle)

2 Day Textiles Skills Workshops (Newcastle)

Venue:    Kenton School, Drayton Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 3RU

Date:        Friday 8th & Saturday 9th DECEMBER 2023

Time:        9.30 – 15.30

COST:     £330 / 2 DAYS  or   £195 / 1 DAY              BOOK HERE

We offer discounts to those who qualify for these courses. Please contact dawn@textileskillscentre.com for more information

An Exciting 2 Days of Practical Face-to-Face Courses for Teachers of GCSE & A Level Fashion/Textiles for both Art & Design and D&T.

Choose to come for one day or both days, selecting a course for each day

Join us for 2 jam packed practical days with the opportunity to select from 2 courses each day, practicing and watching demos of a variety of Textiles Skills. The courses are aimed at Fashion, Textiles and Art teachers who are either new to teaching GCSE/A Level D&T/Art & Design or those who want to add to their resources by spending a whole day developing new ideas and skills. 


    • Surface Textiles Skills
    • Heat Press Techniques for Textiles
    • Simple Pattern Drafting
    • Essential Manufacturing Skills


Planning, Assessment & Progression for D&T Courses (Online)

Planning, Assessment & Progression for D&T Courses (Online)


Date:        Saturday 4th MARCH 2023

Time:        9.00 – 15.00

COSTS & BOOKING:    £ 170 / DAY (+ Cademy Fee)  


A New Motivational Online-Live Course for Teachers of GCSE D&T Textiles
IF you need support with understanding and implementing the D&T specification, then this course will give you what you need.
This is an *ONLINE LIVE COURSE* with the Textile Skills Centre Trainer RACHEL ADDY and will  cover 4 different Design & Technology textiles specifications at GCSE Level: AQA, Edexcel (Pearson), OCR & Eduqas.
The course is designed to be interactive and there are several tasks to complete during the day as well as a personal assignment on ‘progression within Design & Technology, which can be completed in your own time. Many exemplars and guides are included in the course and can be downloaded for future use.
Our aim is to support, encourage and inspire you so that you can support, encourage and inspire your students!
Design & Technology course image

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