01926 258582
TEA ‘N CHAT – Student Sketchbooks + NICKY SIMPSON

TEA ‘N CHAT – Student Sketchbooks + NICKY SIMPSON

NICKY SIMPSON – Textiles Artist & Trainer


START TIME:  7.00pm  

This event is held on Zoom so you need to register to get the zoom details to join us 🙂

Mounting and Presenting Students Work

Join us for a session on developing a great sketchbook with Nicky Simpson. Student sketchbooks will demonstrate their creative process, showing initial ideas, links to artists/designers to development of ideas.

How can your students ‘demonstrate the ability to construct a sustained line of reasoning, which is coherent, relevant, substantiated and logically structured’, in their sketchbook.
How can a student present ‘all their knowledge, skills, understanding and activities relevant to their creative journey’.
The sketchbook should demonstrate a ‘substantive, focused project, a progression of ideas rather than a series of disjointed tasks, and work should evidence all the Assessment Objectives holistically as well as cover the chosen areas of study’.

  • What is the best way to mount and present students work?
  • How can students work independently in their sketchbooks
  • Where and how to present annotation
  • How to cover all the assessment objectives
  • How to make connections to artists and designers, primary, mark making and developed work.
Nicky will show examples of good sketchbooks and how to get students inspired and presenting their work in a coherent and expressive way.
Your students are welcome to join the session, so please do get them to register.

This event is held on Zoom so you need to register to get the zoom details to join us 🙂

Nicky Simpson textilesNICKY SIMPSON

NICKY SIMPSON is a contemporary textiles artist with 12 years teaching experience, heading up Fashion & Textiles at Hillview School in Kent. She has taught Art & Design Textiles at GCSE and A Level, AQA Design and Technology/Textiles at A Level and GCSE and BTEC Level 3 Fashion. Her last set of grades were: A Level 100% A-A*; GCSE 70% A-A* (100% A*-B). 

She had a previous 22-year career as a print designer in the heart of London. For the past 8 years Nicky has been a course and workshop developer and leader for Textile and Art teachers on behalf of the Textile Skills Centre.

This event is held on Zoom so you need to register to get the zoom details and list of equipment needed to join in:)

This event is held on Zoom so you need to register to get the zoom details to join us 🙂

Tea 'N Chat with Nicky Simpson on student sketchbooks

The Textiles Skills Centre Associates are a team of volunteers that manage the social media platforms and website, and offer support, mentorship and advice to textile teachers and trainees. We organise free resource networking events each month (Tea ‘N Chat) and are always on hand to help and encourage when needed.
We are always looking for new Associate members, so if you would like to join this small team then do contact us at: info@textileskillscentre.com

At the moment all costs are met by our team and time is given freely. If you are able to support us with a donation, however small, this will help to enhance the work we are doing.

You can donate using the DONATION button below which will take you to the Paypal donations page, or select an amount when you book the event. All donations gratefully received.

Tea ‘N Chat – Discuss the GCSE ESA

Tea ‘N Chat – Discuss the GCSE ESA


An opportunity to discuss the GCSE ESA(Externally Set Assignment) with fellow teachers and how best to approach the themes. We will be using breakout rooms for each board, so that you can network and discuss ideas and best practice.

The session will be lead by Haidee Foye and Nicky Simpson.


The Textiles Skills Centre Associates are a team of volunteers that manage the social media platforms and website, and offer support, mentorship and advice to textile teachers and trainees. We organise free resource networking events each month (Tea ‘N Chat) and are always on hand to help and encourage when needed.
We are always looking for new Associate members, so if you would like to join this small team then do contact us at: info@textileskillscentre.com

At the moment all costs are met by our team and time is given freely. If you are able to support us with a donation, however small, this will help to enhance the work we are doing.

You can donate using the DONATION button below which will take you to the Paypal donations page, or select an amount when you book the event. All donations gratefully received.



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