01926 258582
Essential Manufacturing Skills – Derby

Essential Manufacturing Skills – Derby

Venue:     MURRAY PARK SCHOOL, Murray Rd, Mickleover, Derby DE3 9LL 

Date:        Saturday 21st October 2023

Time:        9.30 – 15.30

Fee:          £195 (+ Cademy Fees)

An Essential Sewing & Making Skills Course for Teachers of GCSE & A Level Fashion & Textiles for both Art & Design and D&T.

A totally practical day learning and practicing a variety of sewing and making skills and threading and trouble shooting machine faults. This course is aimed at D&T and Fashion & Textiles teachers who are either new to teaching, or those who want to learn and add to their existing skills.


Tea ‘N Chat – Repair What You Wear

Tea ‘N Chat – Repair What You Wear

Repair What Your wear – an online workshop with Rosalind Studd

Tuesday 28th February – Time 7-8pm    

Join our TEA ’N CHAT with Ros Studd from ‘Repair What You Wear’, who will take you through a hands on mending workshop, which can be used in the classroom.

A session looking at different essential mending techniques that can be taught in class.

If you wish to take part on the night, a list of materials to collate will be included in the booking confirmation email. Alternatively you can watch the demo and try later. The session will also be recorded for future reference.







Ros Studd

Rosalind Studd & Elahe Alavi started up Repair What You Wear in  response to austerity and climate change, a recognition of the need that small things will make a difference to individuals and society. Their website includes classroom activities and resources: https://repairwhatyouwear.com/education/

Clothes mending can save money and reduce landfill at a time that both are essential, but when mending skills have all but disappeared.  Set up and funded by a former retail buyer and a graphic designer, the teaching is clear and accessible, designed to empower when we can all feel helpless in the face of change.

Ros teaches fashion textiles in Scotland, starting out as a retail buyer and product developer for the big fashion names.  Textiles are her thing and she loves manufacturing, just not the current levels of pollution and waste.  The project came about when realising how much money she saved by mending her own children’s clothes, but others did not have the skills to make this choice.  The website is all about proper teaching and what the student can achieve for themselves.

The Textiles Skills Centre Associates are a team of volunteers that manage the social media platforms and website, and offer support, mentorship and advice to textile teachers and trainees. We organise free resource networking events each month (Tea ‘N Chat) and are always on hand to help and encourage when needed.
We are always looking for new Associate members, so if you would like to join this small team then do contact us at: info@textileskillscentre.com

At the moment all costs are met by our team and time is given freely. If you are able to support us with a donation, however small, this will help to enhance the work we are doing.

You can donate using the DONATION button below which will take you to the Paypal donations page, or select an amount when you book the event. All donations gratefully received.


Essential Manufacturing Skills Workshop (Sandbach)

Essential Manufacturing Skills Workshop (Sandbach)

Essential Sewing & Making Skills Workshop 

Venue:   Sandbach High School & Sixth Form College,  Middlewich Rd, Sandbach CW11 3NT

Date:        Saturday 29th April 2023

Time:        9.30 – 15.30

An Essential Sewing & Making Skills Course for Teachers of GCSE & A Level Fashion & Textiles for both Art & Design and D&T.
This is a totally practical day learning and practicing a variety of sewing and making skills and threading and trouble shooting machine faults. This course is aimed at D&T and Fashion & Textiles teachers who are either new to teaching, or those who want to learn and add to their existing skills.


Essential Manufacturing Skills Workshop (Sandbach)

Essential Manufacturing Skills Workshop (Huddersfield)

Essential Manufacturing Skills Workshop (Huddersfield)

Venue:     Department of Fashion & Textiles, University of Huddersfield
Queensgate Campus, Huddersfield HD1 3DH

Date:        Saturday 5th November 2022

Time:        9.00 – 15.30

An Essential Sewing & Making Skills Course for Teachers of GCSE & A Level Fashion & Textiles for both Art & Design and D&T.
This is a totally practical day learning and practicing a variety of sewing and making skills and threading and trouble shooting machine faults. This course is aimed at D&T and Fashion & Textiles teachers who are either new to teaching, or those who want to learn and add to their existing skills.


Essential Manufacturing Skills Workshop (Sandbach)

Essential Manufacturing Skills Workshop (Guildford)

Essential Manufacturing Skills Workshop (Guildford)

Venue:     St. Catherine’s School,  Station Rd, Bramley, Guildford GU5 0DF

Date:        Saturday 25th March 2023

Time:        9.30 – 15.30

An Essential Sewing & Making Skills Course for Teachers of GCSE & A Level Fashion & Textiles for both Art & Design and D&T.
This is a totally practical day learning and practicing a variety of sewing and making skills and threading and trouble shooting machine faults. This course is aimed at D&T and Fashion & Textiles teachers who are either new to teaching, or those who want to learn and add to their existing skills.



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