We are so pleased with the amount of entries and the amazingly high standard of work that we received for our first student competition with over 220 students entering!!
It was so exciting to see all the creative work being done in our schools across the UK! The judges said they had very difficult choices to make and they really enjoyed viewing the artwork and reading about its origins and development. One teacher commented ‘this was an excellent extension and enrichment opportunity for our young people and we really appreciate your support, especially after the last few years.’
The competition was part sponsored by Specialist Crafts (Dryad Education) who gave £50 Vouchers to the winners and goody bags to first 3 places in each category .
The textiles teacher from the winning schools won a free place for an online course from Textiles Skills Centre and each winner received a trophy – see images below.
Prize Winners:
A Level
1st Place: JADE LENDRUM – East Norfolk College
2nd Place: AMELIA VENNARD – Dartford Grammar School For Girls
3rd Place: NONUJU OLISA – Dartford Grammar School For Girls
1st Place: SARAH AKINFAYE – Maidstone Grammar School For Girls
2nd Place: HOLLY ROCHE – St. Catherine’s School Guildford
3rd Place: TATE PICKERING – Holyport College, Maidenhead
We had a great line up of judges:
- Specialist Crafts – Who sponsored the student winning prizes and goody bags – Educational Resources | Dryad Education
Emma Wilson – Print Designer- who we all met on one of our Textile Skills Centre ‘Tea ‘N Chat’ networing events. - Nicola Redmore BSc MRes PGCHE FHEA CMgr – Weave Specialist & Subject Leader for Fashion & Textiles at Huddersfield University, a regular on our ‘Tea ‘n Chats’.
- Alice Buckingham – Junior Assistant Costume Designer – Currently working in Rumania on the latest Netflix production of ‘Wednesday’ with director Tim Burton.
- Jamie Brown – Tailoring Designer/Maker who has already created an amazing video for our careers collection, an inspiration to our male textile artists.
FEEDBACK: ‘Thank you also for taking the time to consider all other student submissions from our school, this was an excellent extension and enrichment opportunity for our young people and we really appreciate your support, especially after the last few years.’
Congratulations to all our winners, and well done & thankyou to all the students and their teachers who took part, we look forward to seeing you all next year!